Really? Can you really successfully and easily cloth diaper a brand new newborn baby? You absolutely can and you have a number of different options.
1. This is the least expensive option: Prefolds and Diaper Covers. Prefolds are the diapers that most people think of when they conjure up images of the old style diapers. But thankfully, these prefolds are much better than the older style ones. You can get regular unbleached prefolds, or hemp/fleece prefolds or even 100% organic cotton prefolds. Plus, no more pins! All you need are these incredibly ingenious little devices called snappis! As for diaper covers, you have a lot of choices. I personally prefer either the Imse Vimse organic cotton diaper covers or the Thirsties Duo Wraps. You simply need to ensure that the umbilical cord is not being rubbed by the prefold. You can fasten the prefold under the umbilical cord while the umbilical stump is still there.

2. A little pricier, but a little more convenient: Fitted Diapers and Diaper Covers. Fitted diapers are a step up from prefolds in that they have a contoured shape and the closures are already attached (either via aplix or snaps). One of my personal favorite fitteds - Thirsties Fab Fitteds - luxuriously soft and wonderfully absorbant. Pair this with your favorite diaper cover and you are all set!

3. My personal newborn favorite - Rumparooz Lil Joeys! These will fit your baby the moment they are born. They have a snap down in the front to make plenty of room for the umbilical cord until it falls off. These are perfect for premies since they fit all the way down to a teeny, tiny 4lbs! They are an AIO (all in one) with internal gussets for containing the messiest messes. Rumparooz Lil Joeys are so easy, so cute and fit so well, they make me want to have another baby! Check out The Newborn diaper package for all you will need to start cloth diapering from day 1.

Questions? I'm happy to help!
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